A bit of history

Back in late 80s / early 90s, internet usage was on the rise, with more and more people connected and using these new technologies to communicate quickly with other people around the globe. Thus, many personal messages were being send through email; and all these communications were sent in clear, without any encryption, waiting to be seen by any attacker…

Of course, this wasn’t a problem on the first days of the internet, when it was used only to transfer information between universities, or between military units (that encrypted their communications by themselves, as they had been doing for centuries). But, when ordinary people, who don’t have access to any method to secure their communications aside from the typical (and easily breakable) classical cipher, started to use these insecure methods to share their personal messages, a lot of new information could be gathered without any effort, mainly by state agencies, under the excuse of avoiding terrorist attacks.

For example, in the US (the main location in this story, as there’s where a great part of these technologies were developed), the senate tried to pass a bill that would force manufacturers to introduce backdoors on their secure communications systems for the government to obtain plaintext data:

Expresses the sense of the Congress that providers of electronic communications services and manufacturers of electronic communications service equipment should ensure that communications systems permit the Government to obtain the plain text contents of voice, data, and other communications when appropriately authorized by law.

Subtitle B: Electronic Communications. Bill 266

Then is when more people became aware of the problem that unsecured communications are for privacy (as anybody could read every one of your personal messages, simply by monitoring your email). One of these privacy activists, Phil Zimmermann, wrote in 1991 Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), a tool aimed to encrypt email communications using modern algorithms.

This move bothered the US government, who tried to sue him for “exporting cryptography”, as it was distributed through the internet (and therefore, outside the US borders). Fortunately, the case was dropped on 1996 and PGP could continue to be developed; although the “official” PGP (the one created by Zimermann) was discontinued. Despite this, other people took the idea and implemented their own free software, most of them following the OpenPGP standard.

An example of signed message, from Phil Zimmermann:


My lead defense lawyer, Phil Dubois, received a fax this morning from
the Assistant US Attorney in Northern District of California, William
Keane.  The letter informed us that I "will not be prosecuted in
connection with the posting to USENET in June 1991 of the encryption
program Pretty Good Privacy.  The investigation is closed."

This brings to a close a criminal investigation that has spanned the
last three years.  I'd like to thank all the people who helped us in
this case, especially all the donors to my legal defense fund.
Apparently, the money was well-spent.  And I'd like to thank my very
capable defense team:  Phil Dubois, Ken Bass, Eben Moglen, Curt Karnow,
Tom Nolan, and Bob Corn-Revere.  Most of the time they spent on the case
was pro-bono.  I'd also like to thank Joe Burton, counsel for the co-

There are many others I can thank, but I don't have the presence of mind
to list them all here at this moment.  The medium of email cannot express
how I feel about this turn of events.

  -Philip Zimmermann
   11 Jan 96

Version: 2.6.2


Back to the present

Over time, thanks to the community-created security tools and new standards to ensure secure communications, the laws that regulated cryptography lost their purpose and the communications weren’t vulnerable to eavesdropping anymore (although the state agencies still have mediums to gather some information, but it’s a more difficult task).

Free software like GPG usually were CLI (command-line interface, text-based applications executed on a terminal) tools, and the concepts of “encryption” and “secure communications” seems obscure to the common public. In spite of all the good GUIs for all platforms available, the adoption of encryption didn’t spread outside the groups of privacy activists and developers (for example, PGP it’s used to verify Debian packages).

An example of gpg, a CLI tool (not very user-friendly):

$ printf "hey" | gpg --armour --recipient foomanroot@disroot.org --encrypt
Version: GnuPG v1


It’s not a surprise that the usage of this kind of software hasn’t increase over time, and people still look with weird faces when someone speaks about encryption, arguing the usual “I have nothing to hide”.


The new proposition to make this model more user-friendly, and to return to the people their right to privacy (which, by necessity, needs secret communications), is Keybase.

Since the revelation of cases like the PRISM surveillance program, some popular services implemented end-to-end encrypted communications, like Whatsapp (close-source and owned by Facebook…), or Signal (which is open-source); but these tools only try to provide forward-secrecy (to maintain the secrecy, even if one of the messages or previous keys has been compromised). The problem to verify a user’s identity persist.

Keybase uses PGP to verify that a user is really who claims to be, and send them encrypted messages with a user-friendly interface. Also, there are another services like secure chat rooms and teams, chat rooms for groups. It’s very useful for activists who don’t want to end up beaten or in jail, enterprises that don’t want the competence to get their secrets, or simply for ordinary people who value their privacy.

As I said, it’s simply a user-friendly PGP implementation, with support for all mainstream platforms.


The first step, after creating an account, is to verify all the accounts you want, to assure that, for example, certain Twitter account is really yours. In my case, (I’m image/svg+xml Foo_Manroot ), I wanted to verify my Github account and my website. You can also verify your accounts of Reddit, Facebook, Bitcoin…

Once you have verified your accounts, you can start recieving encrypted messages by mail. It’s as simple as encrypt the message using the CLI tools (keybase pgp encrypt -m "message" foo_manroot) or with the web interface and pasting it into the mail message. Then, when the message arrives, just do the oposite (keybase pgp decrypt -m "message", or the web interface). This can be done identically with signed messages.

Also, you can securely store data on your private folders or to have encrypted Git repositories.


The next step is to create a network of people you know (that means, with whom you have personally verified your keys), so you are confident about who you’re talking to.

This is the most important thing in the system, as the network of trust is what distinguishes this model from simple encryption, like signed certificates verifying HTTPS connections (otherwise, the connection would still be encrypted; but the page could be a pishing site).


Althogh there’s still a lot of work to do, I think the idea behind keybase (to develop user-friendly encryption applications) is very interesting, which could have good repercussions, allowing anybody to start recovering their privacy.

Even though not many common people use this; I think this kind of free software (in cryptography it’s very important the “open source” part), that tries to bring the people closer to security, allows more and more software to be developed with this ideas.

Finnally, I highly recommend people to try this technology, and to lose fear of cryptography. The key idea is that you don’t have to be an expert, nor to know exactly which algorithm is being used. It’s like HTTPS, that is being used by a lot of people that only has to know that it’s better to have “that green lock on the bar”.

The holy green lock