Some time ago I faced a problem at work where I had to learn a couple of interesting things. The problem was to control the access of producers and consumers on an ActiveMQ queue, allowing us to control which probes (consumers or producers) where given access.

If you don’t know what ActiveMQ is, it’s basically composed of a server, the broker, who manages a queue. This queue is populated by a client, the producer, and then the data is asynchronously read by another client, the consumer. Once it has been read, the data can be deleted or simply marked as read, depending on the type of queue used. This process is shown, more or less, on the following diagram:

           |        |  2) Enqueue
           | Broker | <---> Database (queues)
           |________|  4) Dequeue

            ^       ^
 1) Write  /         \  3) Read
          /           \
    __________      __________
   |          |    |          |
   | Producer |    | Consumer |
   |__________|    |__________|

Although ActiveMQ has an option to set up a password, this only works globally for every probe on the system. This is just a measure to deny access to unauthenticated probes; but, what if we want to revoke only the permissions of a single producer? Should we change the password and inform only the allowed probes about the change1? Or should we write our own extension control access?

This second option seems to be better, but still too complicated. Before starting to implement a custom plug-in, we should try to dive more into the configuration and documentation of ActiveMQ. After some time, we find a viable option using certificates. The problem is that we need a way to revoke and add new certificates live, without restarting the broker. However, changing the revocation status of a certificate means changing the Certificate Revocation List (CRL), and this is not possible in Java without restarting the JVM. But there’s still hope, as we could try to see of we could use an OCSP responder. This is not a very well documented feature on Java nor ActiveMQ (at least I couldn’t find any useful information), thus this post.

What is an OCSP responder?

The Online Certificate Status Protocol is a method used in a Public Key Infrastructure by clients to check the revocation status of a certificate. This is done by asking a server in which the client trusts, who answers with the status. This way, if a certificate is revoked, we only have to inform this central server, instead of having to update every CRL of any agent on the system.

Returning to our initial problem, we wanted to control the access to the broker by the probes without restarting the server. We can do this with an additional process on the server who will answer any question from the broker about the revocation status of any certificate. On any new connection from a probe, the broker will allow or deny the request based on the response returned from this new process. The diagram is now a bit different than before:

 ___________  2,6) OCSP request   ________
|           |   <--------------  |        |  4) Enqueue
| Responder |   -------------->  | Broker | <---> Database (queues)
|___________| 3,7) OCSP response |________|  8) Dequeue

                                  ^       ^
                       1) Write  /         \  5) Read
                                /           \
                          __________      __________
                         |          |    |          |
                         | Producer |    | Consumer |
                         |__________|    |__________|

This would be the perfect solution, allowing us to change the status of any certificate at any time without restarting any service. Now, the challenge is to easily implement this solution on ActiveMQ. If it turns out that it’s easier to create a custom plug-in, we’ll have to do that instead.

After investigating a couple of hours, we find out that it should be possible to do it, as there exists an option on the configuration file. On the linked documentation page, there’s also a demo that, with some tweaks, finally gives us the answer to our problem. The key options that we have to enable on this file are:


Obviously, the responder URL will have to be changed with our own.

As the linked demo from dejanb doesn’t work and the instructions are a bit off (but not too much), this post aims to fill the gaps on that explanation. The updated certificates and documentation live under my fork on Github.

OpenSSL responder

For this series of tests we’re going to use a simple responder provided by OpenSSL, as we’re only interested on the broker’s part (for now). Later on the project we implemented our own responder, that searched on the database the answer that had to give to ActiveMQ. This task is (almost) trivial and left as an exercise for the reader2.

To start the OpenSSL responder we’re gonna use the following command:

openssl ocsp -port 2560 -text \
        -index demoCA/index.txt \
        -CA demoCA/cacert.pem \
        -rkey demoCA/private/cakey.pem \
        -rsigner demoCA/cacert.pem

There needs to be a custom Certificate Authority (CA) to issue all the certificates for our probes and to sign the responses (after all, we are asking the issuer about the status of one of its certificates) sent to the broker3. We use the CA’s certificate, demoCA/cacert.pem, and private key, demoCA/private/cakey.pem, to sign the responses. There’s also a file with the revocation status of all the certificates issued by this CA (in other words, a CRL):

$ cat index.txt
V   21171114205545Z     D7455D88CE0EBB0D    unknown /C=AA/ST=Example State/O=CA Company/
V   271206210849Z       D7455D88CE0EBB0F    unknown /C=AA/O=Broker Company/CN=broker.example/emailAddress=broker@broker.example
V   271206211359Z       D7455D88CE0EBB10    unknown /C=AA/O=Client - 1 Company/

Creation of the required certificates

We’ll need two different kind of certificates: the broker’s and the probes’. Both types will be issued by our custom CA: demoCA.

The broker needs a certificate so the probes can verify the his identity. This is only required when using the pre-built jars provided by ActiveMQ, which let us test the set up without coding anything. When everything is completed, we can implement our own producer and consumer, ignoring any certificate error (if we want to).

To create the certificates I’ll use the utility. Beware of directly using the linked file, as it’s just a template to fill with the configuration). On most Unix-like systems, it’s available with the default installation of the OpenSSL library (/usr/lib/ssl/misc/, in my case).

Create the CA

First things first, we have to start creating the Authority that will issue the rest of the certificates. To do that, we can use the provided script; or you can do it by yourself just looking at the source of or searching one of the tutorials available on the internet:

$ /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -newca

As simple as that. After answering the questions needed for the certificate (country, domain name, etc.), you’ll have a new directory called demoCA with the private key of the CA, its certificate and the index with the CRL for the issued certificates. Right now, it should only have the CA’s own certificate.

There’s no need for more configuration for the CA. We can now create a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from the probe with -newreq, sign it from the CA with -sign and create a PKCS#12 to import the cert chain into the probe’s key-store.

Broker’s certificate

The broker is just a server running on the JVM, so we need to add our new certificate chain (the PKCS#12) into its key-store and the CA’s certificate into the broker’s trust-store. This last step is the one who dejanb got wrong, as in their repository the broker didn’t trust on the CA, so every request was dropped.

To create the certificates for the broker, we just have to create a CSR, sign it with the CA and create the chain to import it:

$ /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -newreq
$ /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -sign
$ /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -pkcs12

$ mv newcert.pem broker/broker.cert.pem
$ mv newcert.p12 broker/broker.p12
$ mv newkey.pem broker/broker.key.pem
$ rm newreq.pem

Now we can create the broker key-store by adding his and CA’s certificates into it. The CA certificate has the default alias “my certificate”, given by the helper script. If we don’t want a PKCS#12 type store but a JKS one, we just have to tweak a couple of options (see man keytool(1)):

$ keytool -importkeystore \
        -srckeystore broker/broker.p12 \
        -destkeystore broker/broker-keys.ks \
        -srcstoretype pkcs12 \
        -deststoretype pkcs12 \
        -alias "my certificate" \
        -destalias broker

$ keytool -import \
        -file demoCA/cacert.pem \
        -alias "ca" -trustcacerts \
        -keystore broker/broker-keys.ks

After this step, we only have to add the CA into the broker’s trust-store:

$ keytool -import \
        -file demoCA/cacert.pem \
        -alias "ca" -trustcacerts \
        -keystore broker/broker-trust.ts

The broker is now ready and can be run. Also, we’ll only need the broker’s certificate. Except this file (broker/broker.cert.pem), we can delete the rest of that directory. It’s not needed, though, so you should keep it around just in case.

Clients’ certificates

The process to create the key- and trust-stores is very similar to the one on the previous section, and it’s identical on every probe that will be added.

As before, we create the CSR, sign it and store the chain of the new certificate in PKCS#12 format:

$ /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -newreq
$ /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -sign
$ /usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -pkcs12

$ mv newcert.pem client-1/client-1.cert.pem
$ mv newcert.p12 client-1/client-1.p12
$ mv newkey.pem client-1/client-1.key.pem
$ rm newreq.pem

And the key-store for the client:

$ keytool -importkeystore \
        -srckeystore client-1/client-1.p12 \
        -destkeystore client-1/client-1-keys.ks \
        -srcstoretype pkcs12 \
        -deststoretype pkcs12 \
        -alias "my certificate" \
        -destalias client-1

$ keytool -import \
        -file demoCA/cacert.pem \
        -alias "ca" -trustcacerts \
        -keystore client-1/client-1.ks

To finalize, we have to add not only the certificate of the CA to the client’s trust-store; but the certificate of the broker too. This is needed because the clients won’t ask the OCSP responder, but they’ll trust always on the broker. To add the certificates, we use a similar command as before (note that broker.cert.pem has the full chain, so we don’t have to import also the CA):

$ keytool -import \
    -file broker/broker.cert.pem \
    -alias "broker" -trustcacerts \
    -keystore client-1/client-1.ts

Test of the OCSP responder

To start the OpenSSL OCSP responder, run:

openssl ocsp -port 2560 -text \
        -index demoCA/index.txt  -CA demoCA/cacert.pem \
        -rkey demoCA/private/cakey.pem \
        -rsigner demoCA/cacert.pem

You can test the responder like:

openssl ocsp -CAfile demoCA/cacert.pem \
        -url -resp_text \
        -issuer demoCA/cacert.pem \
        -cert client-1.cert.pem

Configuration on ActiveMQ

Before testing the connection, we have to tell ActiveMQ to use the OCSP responder and the right key- and trust-stores. The files to be edited are and activemq.xml.

In the first one there has to be the following options (with the correct URL):


In the second one, the configuration for the broker, we’ll add this into the <broker> element (changing the passwords for the ones we used on the stores):


<!-- The SSL connector may be already present -->
    <transportConnector name="ssl" uri="ssl://;wantClientAuth=true&amp;needClientAuth=true"/>

Now we’re ready to go.


In the following video the whole setup is shown. Any connection made by the client is validated through the OCSP responder. You can also try to create a connection from a client without a valid certificate (or a revoked one), and see how the responder answers with an “unknown” or “revoked” status, after which the broker will deny the connection.

I hope to help someone who has the same problem as I had, asking myself why the setup pointed to on the official documentation doesn’t work.

Cheers :)

  1. I know, I know: that’s a horrible system 

  2. He he… I bet you’ve read these words more than once on your maths books :D 

  3. Even though we could use a completely different set of keys to sign the response, the usual set up is to use the OCSP responder run by the CA’s servers. Doing it any other way wouldn’t very helpful. I’d say that it’s even harmful to our academic purposes.